Sunday, March 20, 2016

SurvivalStraps Survival Bracelet

SurvivalStraps Survival Bracelet

Picture this: you are out boating with a friend, when suddenly you see a woman get trapped in branches of a fallen tree. She is struggling to survive, but the water is rough and risky to swim in. But you are wearing your SurvivalStraps Survival Bracelet, which you quickly unravel into 14' of paracord. You hold one end and give your friend the other. A quick swim to the trapped woman and you have her in your arms. Your friend then helps haul you in by pulling the paracord. It might sound like fiction, but the above is a true story. A life saved because of a SurvivalStraps Survival Bracelet (great job, Mike Harper).

But you might not just save someone else's life, you know. What if you are in a building overtaken by Alan Rickman and his gang and you find yourself on top of a roof? Sure you could always use a firehose to swing to safety, but if you had a SurvivalStraps Survival Bracelet, you wouldn't have to worry about improvising. See, these bracelets (which, by the way, you don't have to wear on your wrist - you can attach them to virtually anything) are ready to get you out of trouble. SurvivalStraps Survival Bracelet - because stuff happens, so you might as well be prepared.

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