Sunday, May 1, 2016

Zen and the Art of Wire Management

iStubz iPhone Sync / Charge Cable

It is said that a clean desktop is a sign of an uncluttered mind. Do you know who said that? Ki Lo Ni, the Great Teacher. Meditate on this truth with us. Ohmmmmmmmm. Truthfully, if you look down at your desk now, and you don't see what looks like a spaghetti tangle of wiring, consider yourself lucky. That sort of organization leads to a healthy mind, and inner awareness. However, not all devices can work effectively without wires. Wireless charging and syncing is still in its infancy, and not supported by all devices. If you own an iPhone and you'd like to charge and sync your phone without adding a half-meter of white-wire coils to your workstation, you can attempt to cut and splice your cable (not recommended) or go with our extra-short iStubz Sync and Charge cable. Three tiny inches will more than satisfy.

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